Stowe electric reminds careful electrical phone scam
Source: admin Release Time: 02:42:40 2018-11-22

Stowe Electric Department serves 4,187 Residential and Commercial customers. Along with a commitment to supplying its ratepayers with clean, reliable energy at an affordable price, Stowe Electric Department pledges to build upon its history of outstanding customer service and support.
Scammers regularly make calls threatening disconnection if payment is not made immediately. Utilities will never make a call threatening immediate disconnection if credit card information is not given immediately. If a customer has any doubt about the legitimacy of a call, we encourage them to hang up and call our listed number for any questions about their account status. Vermont’s utilities follow very clear state rules when working with customers about paying past due bills and do not demand credit card information or alternate payment mechanisms from a customer for any purpose. If customers receive any call with such a demand they should follow these steps: 1.Do not provide payment or any other personal information; 2.Do not engage with the caller; 3. Immediately hang up; 4. Do not call back the number Call Stowe Electric's customer service number 802.253.7215 to report the occurrence and to share any information you are able to provide, including name of the caller, caller’s phone number, and substance of the call. If you have any questions, comments or concerns related to Stowe Electric Department please feel free to contact us. Feedback is always welcome.